CampusESP launches from TU Incubator to scale up student success

CampusESP catalyzes the family’s impact on student success

Frank Bonsal III
3 min readJan 16, 2019
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You want to help a college student succeed but you are having a hard time getting them to engage? Get in the cross hairs of someone they love, someone they talk to, someone or something they listen to and trust. The parent side of student success is a critical factor in many student journeys and one in which CampusESP was built upon.

Per the video below, CampusESP is a company built to serve students, parents (or family members), and institutions. Listen to Co-Founder & CEO Dave Becker describe the journey, the value proposition, and how varied and diverse networks have made a measurable difference in CampusESP’s trajectory.

Big time kudos to Dave and his team for the successful growth of CampusESP as they exit TU Incubator and move on in their growth trajectory. The best, most impactful education technology enterprises grow thoughtfully, strategically — often in a more bootstrapped fashion before scaling up for national or international growth.

Considering the CampusESP’s growth metrics above, it is impressive to see such an impactful company succeed in such a short amount time. With 5X growth in annual recurring revenue pegged to 6X growth in number of customers alongside an apt seed financing and a more than 3X growth in company headcount, CampusESP is on a very positive trajectory. Tens of thousands of students and respective families are more happily engaged and entrenched in the college experiences, thanks to their growth and succees.

A few marquee CampusESP partner institutions include Auburn University, Baylor University, Kennesaw State University, Penn State University, University of Maryland, and our own Towson University (#TUproud). Of course, as a Towson University incubator program, my team and I take a particular interest in the impact that is happening right here on campus. What is clear from user testimonials such as the one below is that over 70% of parents state that CampusESP helps them better advise and support their student.

The Towson Parent and Family Experience lets my student “adult” — but keeps me up-to-date so I can remind him of important due dates and test dates. — TU parent

We wish CampusESP the greatest of success and will be keeping them engaged with members through our private Slack channel and by visit to the TU campus.

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I am a contrarian educator working at the nexus of impact, efficacy, and economic upside. From Baltimore, as Towson University’s Director of Venture Creation, I help support the Chesapeake region’s largest cluster of edtech companies via TU Incubator and associated programs.

